Welcome To a to EV
To Learn more about A to EV please visit our story
What fuels us
Our passion for electric cars started with a simple test drive…quietly moving from A to B in a car that was exciting to drive with little impact on the environment. We found that EV’s such as the Tesla model S can satisfy our inner ‘petrol head’ , this was not what we expected! This gave us the idea of starting a company to let others have the same journey we’ve had, we want to make a difference by helping consumers and businesses experience electric and we know that once you have tried one you will be hooked!
To start your journey, scroll down, take a look at the range of cars and complete a booking form.
our mission
Experience the future of sustainable transport

a range of possible electric cars
Visit our hiring pad for full details of our range of electric cars

Interested in purchasing an electric car, or maybe you just want to see what all the fuss is about? Thats where we come in! We offer a range of rentals from short to long term allowing you to try out electric cars and see how they fit into your lifestyle! Moving to electric is a big change, but it’s not as hard as some people would have you believe, it’s just very different from Petrol or Diesel cars. We were both sceptical about the move before we jumped in, now we both love our electric cars. Thats what gave us the idea to start this company to help others understand how easy the change is! You will never look at a petrol or diesel car the same again!
Contact Us
Our Office
A to eV, Queen Street, Cardiff